What to Expect

Our congregation is warm and friendly, and we welcome visitors to our worship service.  While people will greet you before and after the service, no one will single you out in worship or make you stand. We don’t like to embarrass our guests!

What to wear

Dress comfortably for worship. Most people dress up just a little, but you’ll also see suits, jeans, and shorts.


We believe that all people should be able to participate fully in worship and in church life regardless of their physical, developmental, or cognitive abilities.


Do you have questions? you can either contact us directly or click the learn more link to read a few of the most common question visitors have.


We’re located at 6201 Osgood Ave N in Stillwater, 55082. From Highway 36, Turn North onto Osgood Avenue (at Walgreens), and we’re one block on the right.

contact us

First Presbyterian Church
6201 Osgood Avenue
Stillwater, MN 55082


How do I join?

We hold membership classes a few times each year.  If you decide to join, the Church Council (or Session) will meet with you briefly to learn about you.  Then you will be welcomed into the congregation in a worship service.  Please contact the Pastor or the church office if you are interested in joining.

Bridge Stillwater, Minnesota

Senior Ministries

Wednesdays at 10 am:
The Journey Continues: Spiritual Growth in Our Later Years

The Wednesday morning group called, “The Journey Continues: Spiritual Growth for Our Later Years” is starting a new book. The book is called “Trusting Change: Finding Our Way Through Personal and Global Transformation” by Karen Hering. On the book cover it says, “Karen is an ordained minister in St. Paul, MN, and serves as a threshold guide to people and communities on the cusp of change.” I have been studying with her in various capacities over the years, and really trust her wisdom. Questions? Contact Anita Cummings.

Tai Chi Exercises: Mondays & Fridays at 10 a.m.
Tai Ji Quan/Movement for Better Balance.

Mondays and Fridays at 10 a.m.
Fan and Sword Tai Chi meet earlier at 9:30 a.m.
Certified Instructor, Paul Ryberg. Free to all, approved by many fitness programs.