Wednesdays at 10 am:
The Journey Continues: Spiritual Growth in Our Later Years
The Wednesday morning group called, “The Journey Continues: Spiritual Growth for Our Later Years” is starting a new book. The book is called “Trusting Change: Finding Our Way Through Personal and Global Transformation” by Karen Hering. On the book cover it says, “Karen is an ordained minister in St. Paul, MN, and serves as a threshold guide to people and communities on the cusp of change.” I have been studying with her in various capacities over the years, and really trust her wisdom. Questions? Contact Anita Cummings.
Tai Chi Exercises: Mondays & Fridays at 10 a.m.
Tai Ji Quan/Movement for Better Balance.
Mondays and Fridays at 10 a.m.
Fan and Sword Tai Chi meet earlier at 9:30 a.m.
Certified Instructor, Paul Ryberg. Free to all, approved by many fitness programs.