PCUSA, Presbytery & Synod Info
First Presbyterian Church of Stillwater is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA). We are a member of the Presbytery of the Twin Cities in the Synod of Lakes and Prairies.
As a Presbyterian Church, we are part of the Reformed theological tradition that we trace back to John Calvin in Geneva, Switzerland and to John Knox in Scotland. Our theological motto is “Ecclesia Reformata, Semper Reformanda,” which means “The Church Reformed, always being reformed.” In other words, we never believe that we have gotten it right. God is always leading us to acknowledge past mistakes and improve ourselves and our church to better fit God’s vision for our lives and for the world.
Our beliefs center around God’s transforming grace given to us through Jesus Christ. Our whole lives should be a grateful response to God’s incredible love for us. Out of our gratitude, we live in ways that would please God: sharing God’s love, taking care of our neighbors, loving ourselves, embracing the marginalized, welcoming children, showing hospitality to strangers and immigrants, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, working for justice and peace, and caring for the Earth.
http://www.theocademy.com/lessons-for-new-membersHere are some official resources of the PCUSA, our denomination:
Our Book of Order (2023-2025) -our guide for church government, worship, structure, and discipline
Our Book of Confessions (2016) –a collection of official faith statements from 325 CE until 1991
Our Book of Common Worship (1993)
A Declaration of Faith–a faith statement recommended for worship and study (written in 1977, approved in 1985)