What to Expect

Our congregation is warm and friendly, and we welcome visitors to our worship service.  While people will greet you before and after the service, no one will single you out in worship or make you stand. We don’t like to embarrass our guests!

What to wear

Dress comfortably for worship. Most people dress up just a little, but you’ll also see suits, jeans, and shorts.


We believe that all people should be able to participate fully in worship and in church life regardless of their physical, developmental, or cognitive abilities.


Do you have questions? you can either contact us directly or click the learn more link to read a few of the most common question visitors have.


We’re located at 6201 Osgood Ave N in Stillwater, 55082. From Highway 36, Turn North onto Osgood Avenue (at Walgreens), and we’re one block on the right.

contact us

First Presbyterian Church
6201 Osgood Avenue
Stillwater, MN 55082


How do I join?

We hold membership classes a few times each year.  If you decide to join, the Church Council (or Session) will meet with you briefly to learn about you.  Then you will be welcomed into the congregation in a worship service.  Please contact the Pastor or the church office if you are interested in joining.

Bridge Stillwater, Minnesota

Our Leadership


The session (or church council) has the responsibility for governing the congregation and guiding its witness to the sovereign activity of God in the world, so that the congregation is and becomes a community of faith, hope, love, and witness. The Session is made up of 12-15 women and men who have been chosen by the congregation to be our elders, or spiritual leaders.  Each person serves for three years, although youth often serve one-year terms.

Class of 2026:
Susannah Foster, Susan Hicks, Cheryl Kocian

Class of 2025:
Erin Korich, Lenny Snellman, Gary May, Jim Almendinger

Class of 2024:
Jennifer Gillespie, Sharon Hollatz, Joel Jensen, Linda Orsted
Youth Elders: Maggie Bachman, Kaitlyn Kockelman

Moderator of Session—Rev. Cader Howard
Clerk of Session—Sue Rutford


The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. At FPC, our 15 deacons are organized into Care Groups to provide a network of congregational care and nurture for members and their families in times of need. There are four groups divided by last name and a special Senior Community Care Group.

A-D Care Group:
Deacons Charles Bransford, Melissa Briles, Louie Winslow

E-K Care Group:
Deacons Phyllis Reubendale, Terry Mistalski, Margaret Irwin

L-SL Care Group:
Deacons Kate Nelson, Sue Boeve, Kathy Noble

SM-Z Care Group:
Deacons Martha Sanford, Nancy Davis, Cindy Kindlien

Deacons Karen Cramer

Oak Park Sr. Living, Villas of Oak Park, Green Twig: 
Deacon Betty Moore

Marianne Tyrrell

The Senior Community Care team assists residents of all senior living communities in the Stillwater area to explore options for supporting all the members in that community and strengthen the connection seniors have with our congregation. Residents  may contact a deacon assigned to their last name or one of the senior community team members with any concerns.

The Board of Deacons is designed to be a seamless extension of the pastoral staff, offering and spiritual care to the members of our church.  Deacons respond to specific needs: making visits, providing rides to church or appointments, assisting with shopping, bringing communion to the sick or homebound, providing meals to a family when someone is ill or hospitalized, making phone calls to just “check in”, and praying.  Additionally, our deacons are blessed with the responsibility of preparing the elements for Communion.

Coordinators: Caren Witzmann and Darlene Doty

Ministry Teams

The ministry of the church is carried out by nine ministry teams that are typically led by elders.

Buildings and Grounds: Jim Stepan, chair
Faith Formation: Larry Underkoffler, chair
Personnel: Jean Morse, chair
Finance: Jennifer Gillespie, chair
Mission: Peter Ulland, chair
Worship: Daryl Timmer, chair

Other Committees:

Legacy Gifts Committee
Terry Lewis, Rob McKim, Bill Chadwick, and Cader Howard, ex-officio