When we give to the church to support its mission and ministries, we are really giving to God.
We give out of gratitude for God’s grace in our lives.
First Presbyterian Church welcomes your online gifts. You may choose to make a secure gift on our website using your computer or smartphone, or you can setup online billpay through your own bank.
To give online right now, use one of these links:
Using your Infellowship account (or create an account).
You will receive an email receipt, and this contribution will appear on your end-of-year giving statement. If you use the same email address that is on file with the church, you will be instantly connected to your complete giving record. Otherwise, the church office will need to manually connect your online account to your record.
You will receive an email receipt, but this donation will not appear on your end-of-year giving statement.
[Click Here] Make your 2023 Pledge of Financial Support to the General Fund at First Presbyterian Church of Stillwater, MN.
First Presbyterian Church accepts online gifts to three primary funds:
1) The General Fund—supports the mission, ministry, and operations of the church. All undesignated gifts and annual campaign pledges are deposited in the General Fund. You can select whether this donation counts as part of your pledge.
2) Facilities Improvement Fund—supports capital upgrades to the building and grounds. Subfunds are designated for specific capital campaigns and projects (i.e. Kitchen & Bath Renovation, Hearing Loop Installation, etc).
3) Other Designated Funds—includes:
- Pastor’s Emergency Fund —used to assist church and community members in need.
- General Mission—used by the Mission Ministry Team to support local, regional, and global mission
- Member in Mission—used by the Mission Ministry Team to give financial assistance to members of the First Presbyterian Church family attending mission trips
- Choir Fund—used to enrich our music and worship
- CYF Scholarship Fund—for helping our children and youth attend retreats and activities.
- Memorial Fund—used by the Endowments & Special Gifts Committee, with a recommendation from the family of the deceased, to provide long-lasting items for the church.for making gifts in memory of a friend or loved one.
Questions? Contact the Church Office.