Our Middle School and High School youth are an integral part of our church community. They are active as worship leaders and in mentoring younger children. In the summer of 2023, our youth participated in YouthWorks mission projects in St. Louis, MO. In the coming year, our High School Youth (rising 9th through graduated seniors) aim to attend the annual Montreat Youth Conference in July in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina.
Confirmation is an opportunity for our youth to learn about our faith tradition, to understand the particularities of the Presbyterian Church (USA), and to wrestle with and take ownership of their faith. Emphasis is placed on engaging youth in the life of the church. Confirmation is the beginning of a journey, surrounded by peers, mentors, leaders, parents and the entire congregation.
Community Care Policy
First Presbyterian Church of Stillwater believes that we are called by God to create a safe haven for all the children and youth in our care, protecting those who are powerless and empowering them through faith and trust. We require all adults who work with children and youth to attend a policy training, obtain a background check, and sign a yearly commitment form. Read the current policy here:{ link to Resources/policy page}