Adult Faith Formation
Sunday Morning Adult Christian Education: Each Sunday during the Program Year (September-May), we offer interesting classes in the Dining Room that explore topics including Biblical Studies, Christian Living, Mission & Justice, and Current Events.
Bible Study
Each Tuesday morning, an FPC Bible Study is held on Zoom. For information on joining please email the office for the link:
Small Groups
Senior Ministries We have a thriving Seniors Ministry at FPC, where being a “senior” is not just a matter of age! Through our deacons, we ensure that all seniors are contacted regularly, and encourage them to participate as they wish in any church activity. We’ve also installed an “electronic loop” which works with virtually any hearing aid, so anyone with a hearing disability can participate in the Sunday service as well as other activities. Our recently-renovated restrooms are ADA (American With Disabilities Act) compliant, ensuring safe, easy use.
Presbyterian Women: All women in the church community are invited to join. Circles have 12-20 members and group meet once a month during the school year. Activities include social and mission emphasis. Contact the office for more information on PW activities and Circles.
Men’s Ministry: On the second Saturday of each month, the Men’s Breakfast is held at 8:30 AM. Featuring an interesting speaker, a delicious breakfast, and an opportunity for prayer and fellowship, this breakfast always draws a big crowd. Once a year, the men go to a local retreat center for a weekend retreat. There are numerous men’s small groups that meet weekly to support each other in life and faith.