Everyone: K- 4th grade and Parents and siblings!!
Rm. 567: 5th, 6th,7th graders
OY!: Older Youth 8th – 12th grade
8th: Everyone – Saint Paul Saints Game
12th: Youth Grade 5-12 gr – ART w/ Felicia
Must preregister by June 5th so I can have supplies ready for you!!
15th: OY! – Ice Cream Research (ALL Wednesdays)
26th: OY! – Breakfast after Church
29th: Rm 567 – Valley Fair
9th: Rm 567 – Pool Party at Korich’s
12th: Everyone – 2nd Tuesday Movie/Market
13th: Everyone – Church Picnic Water Slide!!
10th: OY! – Breakfast after church
16rh: Everyone – Can Can Wonderland
23rd: OY! – Pool party w/ Korich’s
July 30th- Aug. 6th: OY! – Montreat
9th: Everyone – 2nd Tuesday Movie/Market
10th: OY! – Montreat worship planning
13th: OY! – Goat yoga
17rh: Everyone – Church Picnic Water Slide
19th: OY – Breakfast after Church
20th: Rm 567 – Kayaking William O’Brien
21st & 28th: Everyone – Bless Backpacks
24th: Everyone – Bike Rally
31st: Everyone – Blessing of the Pets Service
June 8 St. Paul Saints Baseball Game EVERYONE!! 7:07pm $15.00 seat
Make sure you have signed up and paid for your tickets. The signup sheet is at the Coffee Counter in the Gathering area at church. We are sitting in section 115. They were awesome seats last time!!! It’s so much fun!!! Lori will mail out tickets on Monday, May 30th
June 12 Art with Felicia Youth 5th – 12th grade invited! 11:00 am – 12:00 pm no cost
Must preregister by June 5th so I can have supplies ready for you!! SIGN UP ON SIGNUP GENIUS click here!!
Felicia is a friend of Lori’s who is an incredible artist in the San Francisco and Ohio areas. She also counsels LGBTQ+ kids, is a sought-after speaker for Pride events, and has recently been commissioned to paint a series of
murals for the Ohio Parks Department. Felicia will be Zooming our painting class! Lori will provide PIZZA for those who are staying for an Art Spoke training!
June 15 Extremely Important Research OY! EVERY WEDNESDAY 6:30 pm no cost
Older youth will be conducting a summer-wide research project in Stillwater. Meet Lori at church, but the destination is unknown (cause Lori doesn’t know where Nelson’s is among other ice cream paces.) Ask a Confirmation student for more info. This was their idea. Second adult needed! Clearly.
June 26 Breakfast After Church OY! 9:15 am (OUR CHURCH PARKING LOT) no cost click here!!
Breakfast includes experiencing a NEW worship setting! The first church we will visit is our sister church: Liberty Community Church. “We are the first and only African American-led Presbyterian congregation in Minnesota. We align ourselves in solidarity with our North Minneapolis community because that is where Jesus lives. We believe Jesus takes up preferential residence among the poor and traumatized so that all may experience life under God’s compassion…”
June 26 All Church PICNIC EVERYONE!! 4:00 PM no cost
Meet at Bayport Park for a fun Church Family Picnic! Hot dogs and hamburgers are provided! If you want to bring some chips, or a dessert, or a salad to share, that would be swell! June 29 Valley Fair Rm.
June 29 Valley Fair!!!!! Rm 567 9:00 am church – tba $35.00 click here!!
Once you guys get signed up and pay me for the tickets, (or check with me about a scholarship), we can talk about food and how long we want to stay. Ok? There will be FUN and there will be CHECKING IN RULES!!! 😊
July 9 Pool Party at Korich’s Rm. 567 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm no cost click here!!!
Plan to get dropped off and picked up at the Korich pool! 2591 Bayberry Ave., Stillwater, MN 55082 Erin Korich 651-363-4472
July 10 Breakfast After Church OY! (Older Youth) 3:30 pm (OUR CHURCH PARKING LOT) no cost
Click on Sign Up Genius in June!! Sign up!!
This Breakfast after churreakfast includes experiencing a NEW worship setting and, well, NOT breakfast. This Lutheran Church does not start until 4:30 pm! Sometimes they meet indoors, sometimes they meet in a park.
July 12 Outdoor 2nd Tuesday! Everyone!! 5:00 pm from free to $$
Summer Tuesdays are celebrating 19 years of family fun in downtown Stillwater on the Riverfront. They are excited to be planning a FULL schedule this year. They will be following all COVID protocols outlined by the MN Department of Health to ensure our event is safe for all to enjoy. Let’s join them, as a church family, on the 2nd Tuesday of July and August! Meet you there!!
- Market open: 5:00
- Live Music: 6:00-8:00
- Movie: Begins 10 minutes after sunset
July 13 Church Picnic & Water Slide! Everyone!! 5:00 pm no cost
See you in the backyard for Wednesday Picnics! They are every Wednesday all summer long!! Hey, you can volunteer to help, some Wednesday, if you want! Bring your swimsuit to this one; it’s time to WATERSLIDE on the church hill!! See you there!!
July 16 Can Can Wonderland Everyone!! 11:00 am $10. Wrist band for Arcade Games $13. (12 yr. and under) Mini Golf
Check this place out!! Let’s plan to meet there at 11:00!! $15. (13yr. – 61) Mini Golf
It would be fun to play Mini Golf together at 11:00!! $12. (62 + & Veterans) Mini Golf
The whole family is going to have a great time!! Let Lori know if you need a ride!!!
July 23 Pool Party at the Korich’s OY! 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm no cost click here!!!
Plan to get dropped off and picked up at the Korich pool! 2591 Bayberry Ave., Stillwater, MN 55082 Erin Korich 651-363-4472
July 30-Aug 6 Montreat OY! arrive at the airport by 8:00 am
DL / 1518 30JUL2022 MSP1000A AVL 120P Main Cabin / L /LGRPAMP/GNA02
DEPART: ( MSP ) St Paul Mn ARRIVE: ( AVL ) Asheville Nc
“Join us as we learn that because of God’s love, created in God’s image, and filled with God’s Spirit, we are assured that we are enough, we have enough, and we are empowered to do more than enough.”
Aug. 9 Outdoor 2nd Tuesday! Everyone!! 5:00 pm from free to $$
Same as July 12th!! See you there!! Check it out!!
Aug. 10 Montreat Worship Planning OY! 6:00 pm no cost
Aug. 13 Goat Yoga OY! 9:45 am $31.00 Click here!!
This is so much fun!! The class fills up very fast so sign up NOW so Lori can secure tickets! If you need a scholarship, let Lori know!!! If you need a ride, let Lori know! Otherwise, we will see you in the parking lot at 9:45 am at the Hayloft! 12407 80th St. S., Hastings, MN – 5 minutes from Woodbury and Cottage Grove! check out this place!!
If you are coming with, you must have a parent fill out the waiver form.
Aug. 17 Church Picnic Water Slide Everyone 5:00 pm no cost
See you in the backyard for Wednesday Picnics! They are every Wednesday all summer long!! Bring your swimsuit to this one; it’s time to WATERSLIDE on the church hill!! See you there!!
Aug 19 Breakfast After Church Oy! 4:30 pm no cost
Click on Sign Up Genius in JUNE! Sign up!!!
This one is not a breakfast AND not after church!!! It’s in the evening on a Friday!! We are going to Mt. Zion Synagogue on Summit Ave. in St. Paul! We will first get a tour and then attend their service called Kabbalat Shabbat Services at 6:30 pm. Check out more about Mt. Zion!
Aug. 20 Kayaking Willian O’Brien Rm 567 11:00 am $20.00 Click here!!!
Your cost includes the rental of a kayak or canoe and picnic!! William O’Brien is a beautiful State Park that offers all kinds of fun things to do! This is going to be a great day!! Let’s meet at the church and carpool! Parent help is needed! Check it out!
Aug. 21 & 28 Blessing of Backpacks All Kids! K – 12 9:30 am no cost
Bring your Backpack to worship, get it blessed by pastor Cader and our church family! Lori will have some great stuff for you to take home in your backpack!
Aug. 24 Bike Rally Everyone 5:00 pm no cost
Could we also block off an area for remote control car races that day?? Hmmm??? Who wants to help me create a racecourse? Maybe!! Bring a friend and your bike, for sure!!!
Aug. 31 Blessing of the Pets Everyone 6:30 pm no cost
Bring your pet to church!! (to the parking lot!) Pastor Cader will hold a service to Bless Your Pet! Why? What’s this all about? About 800 years ago, there was a man named Francis who was an Italian Catholic Friar, mystic, and deacon. He cared very much about the poor and all God’s creatures. People remember him for this! It is a wonderful thing to care for all God’s creatures and bless our pets! This is a great opportunity to invite your friends to bring their pets to church! Want to read more about why we do this? Check this out!
For details:
email Lori: text or call Lori: 320-262-9324
PREREGISTRATION and PARENT HELPERS may be required to participate at some events! Yahoo!