What to Expect

Our congregation is warm and friendly, and we welcome visitors to our worship service.  While people will greet you before and after the service, no one will single you out in worship or make you stand. We don’t like to embarrass our guests!

What to wear

Dress comfortably for worship. Most people dress up just a little, but you’ll also see suits, jeans, and shorts.


We believe that all people should be able to participate fully in worship and in church life regardless of their physical, developmental, or cognitive abilities.


Do you have questions? you can either contact us directly or click the learn more link to read a few of the most common question visitors have.


We’re located at 6201 Osgood Ave N in Stillwater, 55082. From Highway 36, Turn North onto Osgood Avenue (at Walgreens), and we’re one block on the right.

contact us

First Presbyterian Church
6201 Osgood Avenue
Stillwater, MN 55082


How do I join?

We hold membership classes a few times each year.  If you decide to join, the Church Council (or Session) will meet with you briefly to learn about you.  Then you will be welcomed into the congregation in a worship service.  Please contact the Pastor or the church office if you are interested in joining.

Bridge Stillwater, Minnesota

Presbyterian Women

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN (PW) is a churchwide organization whose membership is open to all women. PW members are those who choose to participate in or be supportive of Presbyterian Women in any way. PW strives to reflect a vision of the whole church as a community of mutual interdependence in which diversity contributes to wholeness. PW gives strong support to the mission of the denomination and the local congregation, and determines its own leadership, program and budget. This congregation of women is a small, but vital part of a worldwide Christian community of women.

Statement of Purpose

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit we commit ourselves:
To nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study;
To support the mission of the church worldwide;
To work for justice and peace; and
To build an inclusive, caring community of women that  strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.