What to Expect

Our congregation is warm and friendly, and we welcome visitors to our worship service.  While people will greet you before and after the service, no one will single you out in worship or make you stand. We don’t like to embarrass our guests!

What to wear

Dress comfortably for worship. Most people dress up just a little, but you’ll also see suits, jeans, and shorts.


We believe that all people should be able to participate fully in worship and in church life regardless of their physical, developmental, or cognitive abilities.


Do you have questions? you can either contact us directly or click the learn more link to read a few of the most common question visitors have.


We’re located at 6201 Osgood Ave N in Stillwater, 55082. From Highway 36, Turn North onto Osgood Avenue (at Walgreens), and we’re one block on the right.

contact us

First Presbyterian Church
6201 Osgood Avenue
Stillwater, MN 55082


How do I join?

We hold membership classes a few times each year.  If you decide to join, the Church Council (or Session) will meet with you briefly to learn about you.  Then you will be welcomed into the congregation in a worship service.  Please contact the Pastor or the church office if you are interested in joining.

Bridge Stillwater, Minnesota


Please send resume or questions to jobs@fpc-stillwater.org or apply on Indeed.com
Current Openings:
Family Ministry Coordinator (10-12 hours/week)
Early Childhood Care Provider (5 hours/week)


Family Ministry Coordinator (10-12 hours/week)

Purpose of Position

To lead and equip the members of First Presbyterian Church of Stillwater to nurture our children, youth, and families toward Christian maturity and service, integrating these ministries into the life of the church.


Accountable to and reports directly to the Pastor/Head of Staff.
Will work regularly with the Children Youth and Family (CYF) Leadership Team, elders for Faith Formation, and the Children’s Choir Director.
Will attend weekly staff meetings and keep staff informed about programs.

Essential Functions
Oversee First Presbyterian Church’s ministries to children, youth, and their families, making sure the various programs are coordinated seamlessly with each other and are integrated into the overall church ministry.
Model and encourage inclusive and welcoming practices, consistent with progressive mainline Christian theology, that embrace the LGBTQIA+ community, offer support for those discerning their own identity, and work towards dismantling racism within our congregation and community.
Model a curious and mature Christian faith while encouraging children and youth to grow in their knowledge of God, their faith in Jesus Christ, and their love of neighbors.
Manage internal and external communication regarding our ministries with children, youth, and their families.
Attend and conduct Kids Connection (KC), our weekly Sunday morning (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) program for children and youth during the school year. Be available for occasional evening or weekend meetings or events.
Provide staff support for the CYF Ministry Team and attend their meetings regularly, coordinating with the Faith Formation Ministry Team for intergenerational opportunities.
Model significant relationships with children, youth, and families of the church.
Work with CYF Ministry Team and Pastor to choose appropriate curriculum for KC.
Facilitate milestone celebrations for children and youth, including receiving Bibles in the 3rd grade, graduation recognition, and Birthday Buddies.
Supervise the nursery staff and oversee nursery programming and operations.
Oversee volunteer recruitment for CYF programs. Communicate with the Personnel Ministry Team to ensure that all volunteers are up to date on background checks, boundary training, and annual acknowledgments.
Work with volunteers to encourage children and youth leadership in worship as liturgists, acolytes, and so forth.
Work with the Pastor to organize the confirmation program (held approximately every 2 years), recruit volunteers for mentors and meal prep, and assist the pastor in leading sessions.
Work with the Pastor and church music staff to organize and lead a family-friendly Christmas Eve service
Organize High School Youth events approximately every 4-6 weeks
Provide opportunities for regular faith discussions with youth.
Organize and participate in summer mission trips, work camps, and youth conferences (may involve fund raising).

Required Abilities
Administrative skills in organizing, planning, coordinating events, including use of technology and social media
A willingness to love and care for young people and families no matter where they are in their faith journey
Model and promote relationships and conduct consistent with progressive Christian faith that welcomes and includes all people
Ability to engage in conversations with children, youth and adults about faith in an inclusive, welcoming manner
Ability to work directly and effectively with young people and families
Ability to work as part of a team to plan and carry out our congregation’s mission

Ability to articulate an inclusive and progressive theology consistent with our Presbyterian heritage and that of other progressive mainline denominations

Educational Qualifications

Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, with experience working or volunteering with children and youth in a mainline church setting
Compensation will be based on experience and length of service ($25-30/hr)

Start Date: ASAP
Part-time: 10/12 hours/week
Salary: $25.00 – $30.00 per hour
Paid Time Off, optional participation in 403B savings

Early Childhood Care Provider (5 hours/week)

Purpose of Position
To provide a safe, loving, nurturing environment and care for all children (infant through age 7) who wish to use the First Presbyterian Church Nursery.

Child Care Responsibilities

Supervise children during Sunday morning Worship approx 9-11 am (all year)
Supervise children and assist with programming for Kids Connection on Sunday mornings approx 11 am – 1:30 pm (September-May).
Monitor supplies. Maintain safety and cleanliness in nursery (wash toys, adhere to diapering procedure, insure that toys are repaired as needed, etc).
Have a love for all children and people as children of God.
Have experience with and embrace a nurturing discipline style.
Lead basic faith development activities when requested


Willingness to commit to an inclusive nursery community.
Demonstrated ability to communicate with and relate well to children and adults.
Ability to direct and work with youth and adult volunteers.
CPR Trained. Child Care Course. Age 18 or older.
Must pass background check and complete church child protection training


Reports to the Coordinator of Family Ministry.
Work with other Child Care Providers.

Required Hours

September to Memorial Day – Sunday 9:00 am – 1:30: pm
Summer: Sunday 9:00-11:00 am
September thru April – Wednesday 5:15-7:30 pm.

Additional Hours

Providing child care for special worship services (Thanksgiving Eve, Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Lenten Services), committee meetings and sponsored events.
When appropriate, represent child care concerns at church staff meetings.

Time Off: Five paid personal days each year with a two week notice, subject to approval by supervisor. Complete personnel policies are available from the Church office.Hourly wage starts at $20/hour and will be determined by experience and length of service.

Job Type: Part-time

Salary: $20.00 – $22.00 per hour

Paid time off